Sin and a Vengeful God

When I was a young child, I remember watching Lost in Space with my brothers and my mother. The TV series was engaging, exciting and family friendly. Recently, I discovered a Netflix remake of Lost in Space (2018), which I have been watching almost every night with my daughters.

Last night, we watched the episode where the Robinson’s were marooned on an alien planet. They struggled in every aspect of their lives, from farming to simply breathing. My oldest daughter turned to me and said, “Wow, they must have sinned so much to be there.”

I paused the show.

I’m sorry, but God doesn’t work like that. Life is not about being punished for the number of sins you commit. God isn’t some divine record keeper who is busy writing your name on the checkboard and adding checkmarks every time you make a mistake. The Robinson’s were not marooned because of a great number of sins they committed.

There is a difference between the Old Testament God and the New Testament God. The Old Testament God was sometimes cruel, vengeful, and authoritative. And while I’m not criticizing any of those decisions, actions, or outcomes – Jesus came into the world and spoke about love, forgiveness and acceptance. He spoke about a covenant of love, kindness, an respect.

Instead of imagining God as a record keeper of your offenses, I want my children (and you) to consider God as a record keeper of all the reasons he loves you. I told my daughter (and I’m telling you), that I think the greatest challenge you will have in your life is accepting love. From God. From your family. From your friends. And from yourself.

Later that evening, we were reading the bedtime Bible story. My daughter read the following passage:

From Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.

And I repeat, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has nothing to do with punishment.” I continue, shut your eyes and envision you are dancing in a summer rain. That rain is God’s love. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. And sometimes good things happen to bad people. Life is not fair, and God works in mysterious ways.

All that being said, it’s alarming and disappointing to think that my children think they deserve punishment because of sin. That is no way to life your life. Instead, consider that you deserve love for the simple reason that God loves you. That is all.

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